Yes, we are a bunch of Putzes.
But we’re nice ones.
We happen to love English words in just about every shape, form, and arrangement.
And we love helping people put together words for whatever reason they need them.
Resumes. Brochures. Advertisements. Essays. Books.
If your first language is American Sign Language–we have the ability to take your signs and put them into English words.
Dave Putz
Specializes in: Copywriting, Email sequences, Resumes, writing short stuff
What he does for fun: Disc golf
Ren Putz
Specializes in: Editing, Book editing, writing long stuff
What she does for fun: Cooks sweet potatoes twenty different ways
Karen Putz
Specializes in: Writing long stuff, like books
What she does for fun: Barefoot water skies backwards on one foot
Steven Putz
Specializes in: Taking pretty pictures for all of your project needs.
What he does for fun: League of Legends
We always say…don’t be a Putz, hire one instead!